The Phantom - Julie Walker (v2)

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Assortment: Hero H.A.C.K.S. - The Phantom
Species: Human

Action Figure

Character Bio

The Phantom has a thousand eyes and a thousand ears. - Old Jungle Saying

Julie is the daughter of the sixteenth Phantom. Along with her twin brother, Julie endured the tough training regimen required of all future Phantoms under the watchful eye of their father. In due course her brother took up the mantle of The Phantom.

On occasions when the seventeenth Phantom was injured, incapacitated or missing, Julie assumed the role to ensure that there would always be a defender of Bengalla. Equally competent as a warrior and crime fighter, her adventures served to keep the legend alive and ensure that evildoers remained nervous while her brother healed or tracked down criminals in other parts of the world. On one of her missions, she saved the life of her future husband and went on to marry and have children. Her restless nature and desire to learn led her to travel the world and when the occasion arose, she used her training to protect others, both in and out of costume throughout the latter half of the nineteenth century.

Julie travelled to France to study medicine and used this knowledge to aid the people of Bengalla when she had retired from the life of a crime fighter. She also took charge of cataloging the chronicle room contained within the Skull Cave. This room holds hundreds of volumes of diaries and memoirs written by all of the Phantoms dating back almost five centuries. It houses a complete history of the triumphs and tragedies of the Walker family since the first Phantom donned the mask.


The Phantom - Julie Walker (v2) comes with the following:

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